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Jase’s Aura Configs

Try Jase Dussia’s Yak 55 10E Aura Config file Today!

To Try Jase’s Yak 55 10E Aura Confige file use the following steps:

  1. Download Jase’s QQ Yak 55 10E Aura Config File.
  2. Connect Aura 8 to computer via USB cable
  3. Open Aura Config Tool
  4. Use Open Aura Config File lcoated in File Tab
  5. Select Jase’s Yak 55 10E program from local computer location and click “open”
  6. Click Write All to Aura
  7. Disconnect USB cable from Aura 8
  8. Exececute Pre-Flight Checklist (page 21 of manual)