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SKU: FRSKY03022040-1

Get your Flex SUPER PNP with the FrSky TW Mini Receiver INSTALLED and ready to bind!

Take your Flex SUPER PNP experience to the next level with our latest receiver installation option. With this upgrade, we’ll handle everything: soldering the connectors onto the receiver, installing your receiver and mounting securing antennas in 90-degree orientation, updating your Aura AFCS system to the latest firmware, and setting it up to work seamlessly with your FR Sky receiver.

All you need to do is program your transmitter with the settings provided in your Flex Super PNP instructions, bind, and get ready to fly! This streamlined process means more time in the air with less hassle on the ground.

We offer the TW Mini Receiver installed on the following Super PNP airplanes:


Works with all Flex SPNP aircraft except for the FlexJet TV (Thrust Vector) and F-100D which require additional working servo ports in the receiver. The TW Mini receiever comes un-soldered and must be soldered before use with your aiprlane or use with Aura.


TWIN series TW Mini receiver features a new stable TW protocol that benefits from simultaneously integrating dual active 2.4G frequency bands. The TW active-active protocol is different from the general active-standby redundancy solutions (where one receiver takes over signal control only when the other is in Failsafe mode), with the TW protocol, dual 2.4G frequency bands are active on the TW series receiver at the same time. This receiver is designed for RC users who want to benefit from resilience and long-range in their radio communi-cations, typically tens of kilometers are achievable. The TW Mini receiver is lightweight and tiny, making it suitable for building into racing drones or airplanes with limited installation space and weight constraints.

The TW Mini receiver is equipped with 2x 2.4G antennas. The TW Mini includes one SBUS output channel, it supports telemetry functions through FBUS / S.Port. By setting the TW Mini to use FBUS protocol in the ETHOS system, the signal control and telemetry can be connected to any device that supports FBUS protocol through only one line to achieve bidirectional transmission, also simplifying the model build using fewer wires.


  • Simultaneous working dual 2.4Ghz TW mode
  • Black Box function
  • Long control range (Range varies based on RF Power settings)
  • Over-
  • Configurable telemetry power (RS)
  • VFR indicators
  • Inverted S.Port for easy flight controller connection
  • Redundancy receiver capability


Input voltage: 3.5 – 10.0V
Band: 2.4GHz
Channels: 16 / 24
Compatible Transmitters All FrSky ACCESS /ACCST D16 transmitters
Antennas IPEX4
Width: 0.43″ (11mm)
Length: 0.63″ (16mm)
Weight: 0.05oz (1.3g)